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WHAT’S NEW? Two NEW trips to Peru!

I’m so excited that we finally have TWO new trips up on the website to Peru!

Peru is one of my favorite places in the world and both trips are being hosted by the beautiful Willka T’ika retreat center in the Sacred Valley.

The ayahuasca trip with Dennis McKenna is going to fill crazy fast – so if you’re interested in that I suggest registering asap.

A Spiritual Adventure to Machu Picchu + Sacred Valley: Peru
September 10th-19th, 2015

Peruvian Shamans

Pachamama warmly welcomes you! Join this unique celebration with Carol Cumes for an authentic Magical Journey along the pathways of Peru’s ancient civilizations. An exceptional Willka T’ika guide will share the mysteries of ancestral Incan customs at all sacred sites.This diverse spiritual adventure is perfect for individual travelers, couples, and sojourners with an interest in meditation, holistic heal (and healing), yoga, dance, Andean mysticism, photography, hiking and the creative arts.

Nourish with organic gourmet meals: Brilliant edible flowers and organically grown vegetables are harvested daily and featured in vegetarian gourmet meals. Healthy menus include delicious and nutritious protein-filled Andean super-foods lovingly prepared by the Willka T’ika Quechua chefs.

Integrate into the Andes via mind, body & soul: This program offers a spiritual and cultural adventure for mind, body and soul. Each morning after personal yoga or meditation, and a relaxed, nutritious buffet breakfast, you will visit an ancient Incan site in the Sacred Valley. Maximize your personal experience at each sacred site with ample time to explore, meditate or hike to your liking through temples and valleys.

Trip tuition: $3990 USD based on double occupancy, Single occupancy supplement: $900 USD – most meals included.

Details for Peru here!


Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes with Dennis McKenna: Peru
August 5-15th, 2015

Spiritual Journey Machu Picchu Peru

We invite you to join us in Peru for a very special Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes program. We are honored and excited to present this week-long ayahuasca gathering – featuring three transformative ayahuasca ceremonies and a series of fascinating lectures by the well-known ethnobotanist Dennis McKenna, PhD – all in the luxurious rejuvenating spa environment of Willka T’ika Guesthouse. We’ll also be visiting Cusco and Machu Picchu the first few days of this journey before beginning our Ayahuasca ceremonies.

Ayahuasca and Ayni: Ayni is the traditional Andean practice of reciprocity. We’ll work with the Mother Plant in the form of ayni – first you must give to the plant to gain from it. What you ask for must come from the heart.

Informed by over 30 years of research experience in the field of ethnopharmacology, Dr. McKenna’s lectures will include: An overview of ayahuasca – its botany, chemistry, pharmacology, and its traditional uses, Shamanic Medicines – an overview of the major psychedelic plants and fungi used in shamanic practices. Includes discussions of their botany, chemistry, pharmacology and current “state of the art” research on their therapeutic applications and so much more.

Trip tuition: $3560.00 USD per person double occupancy, most meals included.

Details for Peru here.


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Retreat Planning & Profit Secrets LIVE!
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
April 29th – May 1st, 2015

For those of you who have always wanted to run your own transformational destination retreats OR uplevel the retreats you are currently doing – I’d like to invite you to a special 3 day event in sunny Ft. Lauderdale!

We’ll be going over the basics of how to Plan, Fill, and Profit from destination retreats while having a great time meeting new like-minded people and possibly finding some awesome folks to team up with for your next retreat!

If you’d like the whole low-down on the event you can find it here:

I’d love to be able to meet you in person too – I hope to see you there!


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What You Think Is NONE of Your Business

girlMost of us depend on our thinking or internal dialogue to answer the day to day questions and issues in our lives. But as we expand our consciousness we come to learn to trust the messages that come from our heart and inner knowing – by that I mean the wisdom that comes as a direct download and has no words.

But until that happens – how do we deal with the thoughts that we hear day in and day out that often have us making unhealthy decisions and taking problematic actions – like procrastinating for example. First and foremost it’s important to realize that our thoughts are not who we are. We have a mind but we are not our mind. And although many of us understand this from an intellectual point of view – we haven’t actualized that concept in our lives.

It’s critical to understand that our thinking is limited by nature since it only reflects the totality of what has been downloaded into our program since our birth. So in the end we can only know what we know – nothing more, nothing less.

However – all true creativity comes from pure consciousness as it comes through each of us. A well trained mind, one that functions as an assistant rather than a saboteur – can translate that creativity into inspired action. At least that is how it works when we are in control of our mind instead our mind being in control of us!

manandcloudsDuring the time I studied with don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, I had a very profound and life changing experience. For three days my mind was absolutely silent – I didn’t have any thoughts. What I realized during that time was that I could function perfectly without thinking. I knew exactly what I wanted without having to think about it – and I realized so did everyone else. That state of presence is how children are before we teach them to have internal dialogue.

When a little child opens the kitchen cabinet and starts pulling out all the pots it knows exactly what it wants. It wants to explore. Same with animals – when my mom’s little Yorkie wants to sit on my lap it doesn’t have the ability to think that thought – it just knows. Both children and animals don’t have an attachment to abstract concepts and so they’re totally in the moment and absolutely authentic.

Learning not to take your own thought forms personally is an art – but well worth it if you want to train your mind to assist you rather than sabotage you as I mentioned earlier. Making room in your life to just be in a quiet place for a while, to let your swirling thoughts calm down, is a great first step to getting clarity and allowing your own deep knowing to manifest itself.

So I’m curious what you think about the idea of your thoughts not being your business! How do your cultivate your inner knowing? What methods do you use in your life to quiet your mind? Don’t forget to share because what you do could change someone’s life.

With All my love & blessings, Sheri Rosenthal


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WalesThe Land of Legends
Wales, Celtic Britain
Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton
June 17—27, 2015


Sacred BritainMysteries + Sacred Sites of England
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton
July 21—30, 2015

Sacred BritainCrop Circles + Summer Lectures Intensive
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton
July 30-Aug 3, 2015


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Ayahuasca & Ayni in PeruAyahuasca & Ayni in the Andes with Dennis McKenna
Trip Leader: Dennis McKenna
August 5-15th, 2015

Spiritual Journey to TurkeyDive Into the Ancient Magic + Mysteries of Turkey
Trip Leader: Rev David Ault
August 17th–26th, 2015




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