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WHAT’S NEW? The Gathering of the Shamans in Arizona
If you’re ready to escape your usual pattern of thinking and see the world through different eyes– you’ll want to head to Sedona, Arizona May 4th – 6th to join some of the leading shamanic teachers of our time (including don Miguel Ruiz and his sons) for “The Gathering of the Shamans”.
In ancient times, energy workers known as shamans used rituals, tools and wisdom to provide guidance and healing for the people of their tribes. Their magic was largely lost to the world with the progress of science and technology, but the spark of that fire never completely went out. Modern day teachers have reached back through time to reclaim these practices and integrate them with our contemporary lives.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to retreat from your usual patterns of living and learn how to harness your inner power in entirely new ways. You will return to your life with fresh vision and know how to create your own reality as the work of art it was meant to be.
Your ticket to this event includes the entire program of sessions with all of the teachers and full room-and-board in Sedona Mago’s comfortable quarters. You will enjoy the entire spectrum of this retreat’s amenities—all included in the cost of your tuition! Private rooms or shared rooms are available.
Blessings & love, Sheri
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Spiritual Art From the Heart: Unlock Your Creativity in Sedona! May 14-20, 2018
Are you looking for some creative zest in your life…but don’t consider yourself “artistic?”
Do you love beauty and want to rekindle feeling alive and inspired out in nature?
Does spending time with like-minded women & a pile of art supplies in a beautiful location intrigue you?
If you are an artist but don’t know that just yet or it’s been way too long since you dug out your art supplies ~ then join Kat Kirby for a soul-nourishing, creative retreat in beautiful Sedona, Arizona.
Trip tuition: $2470 USD based on double occupancy, single occupancy: $2770
Shifting with Shaman,
Seeing with your Heart in Peru
June 28th – July 7, 2018
Are you ready for REAL transformation? Yearning to reclaim your health, vitality and connection with Mother Earth? Ready to embrace your infinite potential through ancient and modern shamanic ceremony?
Sensing the powerful crystal-grid energies beneath your feet, your heart pounds with excitement. In this moment, surrounded by the magical qualities of the sacred site of Machu Picchu, you can feel yourself absorbing the potent light that is beginning to awaken all of humanity.
Inhaling the sweet, pungent scent of sage as the smoke is swirling around you cleanses your auric field. You take in the light and the steady beat of the drum and rattle, as you begin to travel within yourself, deep within your heart. There, aligning with your own truth, you clearly feel for the first time the very source of your own personal power and intention. If this resonates with you then join Cara Andershock in Peru!
Trip tuition: $4497 USD based on double occupancy, single occupancy: $5192 USD.
5 Steps to Setting Powerful Intentions
Intention is the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or love.
Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention. When I decide to buy a birthday present, wiggle my toes, or call a friend, it all starts with intention.
The sages of India observed thousands of years ago that our destiny is ultimately shaped by our deepest intentions and desires. The classic Vedic text known as the Upanishads declares, “You are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.”
An intention is a directed impulse of consciousness that contains the seed form of that which you aim to create. Like real seeds, intentions can’t grow if you hold on to them. Only when you release your intentions into the fertile depths of your consciousness can they grow and flourish. In my book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, the Law of Intention and Desire lays out the five steps for harnessing the power of intention to create anything you desire.
1. Slip into the Gap
Most of the time our mind is caught up in thoughts, emotions, and memories. Beyond this noisy internal dialogue is a state of pure awareness that is sometimes referred to as “the gap.” One of the most effective tools we have for entering the gap is meditation. Meditation takes you beyond the ego-mind into the silence and stillness of pure consciousness. This is the ideal state in which to plant your seeds of intention
2. Release Your Intentions and Desires
Once you’re established in a state of restful awareness, release your intentions and desires. The best time to plant your intentions is during the period after meditation, while your awareness remains centered in the quiet field of all possibilities. After you set an intention, let it go—simply stop thinking about it. Continue this process for a few minutes after your meditation period each day.
3. Remain Centered in a State of Restful Awareness
Intention is much more powerful when it comes from a place of contentment than if it arises from a sense of lack or need. Stay centered and refuse to be influenced by other people’s doubts or criticisms. Your higher self knows that everything is all right and will be all right, even without knowing the timing or the details of what will happen.
4. Detach from the Outcome
Relinquish your rigid attachment to a specific result and live in the wisdom of uncertainty. Attachment is based on fear and insecurity, while detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self. Intend for everything to work out as it should, then let go and allow opportunities and openings to come your way.
5. Let the Universe Handle the Details
Your focused intentions set the infinite organizing power of the universe in motion. Trust that infinite organizing power to orchestrate the complete fulfillment of your desires. Don’t listen to the voice that says that you have to be in charge, that obsessive vigilance is the only way to get anything done. The outcome that you try so hard to force may not be as good for you as the one that comes naturally. You have released your intentions into the fertile ground of pure potentiality, and they will bloom when the season is right.
From: Deepak Chopra, M.D.
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