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WHAT’S NEW? People who open their hearts to others!

Amr Arafa is trying to create a home away from home for some of those who need it most.

The 34-year-old has built a site, which is still in development, called EmergencyBNB. It works like Airbnb, except instead of linking travelers with hosts who have unoccupied rooms for rent, it connects refugees and victims of domestic violence with people in the United States willing to open their homes for a few days for free. 

I find this is be a really interesting concept and if you want to learn more you can read this article on HuffPost.

Blessings & love, Sheri

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Miracles and Magic on the Big Island of Hawaii
With Pat Tallman and Sci-Fi Celebs!
September 11 – 20th, 2016

Womens Retreat Kauai Hawaii

Are you ready to live a bigger, more adventurous life?

  • Are you tired of hiding your enthusiasm for the things you really love?
  • Does the world of science fiction intrigue you more than your everyday life?
  • Do you ever wish that you were around people who really GOT you?
  • Are you ready to change your life?

If you are a big-hearted nerd craving a tropical adventure filled with fun, thrills and out-of-the-norm experiences you will love this retreat. We will enjoy fantastic adventure excursions with: Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, Tahmoh Penikett, Aaron Douglas, Rod Roddenberry, and more to be announced! This Quest Retreat is happening during HawaiiCon the best science fiction convention!

Trip cost: $4,400 USD based on double occupancy – see website for all the amazing inclusions!

Details for Hawaii on Pat’s website!


Refine Your Art – A Yoga Mentorship Retreat: Ibiza, Spain
September 10–17th, 2016, 2016

Spain Yoga Retreat

If you are a yogi who has a lust for learning inspiring ways to structure your classes, give hands on assists from a place of total confidence or market your business with ease, join Delamay Devi for a week dedicated to refining your art in Ibiza, Spain!

The transformative power of Ibiza is over looked by many who visit the island but not by us! Tapping into and harnessing the energetic magic of this place during our soul excursions to the most potent and vibrant spots on the island, you feel doubts fade away and your confidence increase as you step into your brilliance by bringing conscious change to the way you practice and teach yoga.

Connecting with like minded yogis during the daily themed practice labs and creative study sessions, you dedicate time to refining your teaching skills, learn about different elements of marketing your business, how to hold space for your students and how to formulate incredible workshops in synch with the natural cycles of life.

Details for Ibiza on Delamay’s website!

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Do You Trust Your Inner Voice?

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Imagine what your life would be like if you followed the murmurings of your heart?
Honoring your intuition can lead you to a more fulfilling life.

Following the guidance of my inner voice, 25 years ago, I left my well-worn professional lifestyle behind for an unknown adventure overseas – four years in Europe, then 20+ more in the Middle East.

People ask: “How did you do it?  What gave you the courage to trust your inner voice?”

Exhaustion. Anxiety. The inner angst was depleting me. It came in waves. It became unbearable. As I drove bumper to bumper in rush hour traffic, our luxury cars reminded me of sardines in a parking lot gridlock can.  I wondered, “what’s wrong with this picture?”

Tired of living in a traffic jam, looking great on the outside, feeling empty on the inside, spiritual practice strong on the outside, but inside, no one was really home. I was giving to others, but who was giving to me? My heart yearned for passion, magnetized by something deep for which I had no name.

We each have a special gift to offer…

Olive Grove, Israel

Part of the game of life is to discover what your unique gift is and to share it with others. I didn’t know what mine was. Trying to figure it out drove me crazy. I went to retreats, took courses, meditated, yet still had no clue what to do. I wanted to take a journey, but people told me I was running away. I couldn’t live other people’s lives anymore… I needed to change… going towards something, but towards WHAT, I had NO idea. I needed to live my truth.

Women can achieve anything they want.

Women have achieved it all… yet, have we really? Where’s the inner calm, clarity and confidence to just BE who we are without having to do or achieve something?

When you keep doing one more thing, consulting one more person, without stopping to look within and listen to yourself, there’s no one home for you. It’s a lonely place to be.  We settle for less than what we could have from the terror that if we let go, we’ll discover there’s nothing better out there and it’s all a hoax. Why are we alive? What is our role?

How can we truly make a difference in this world?

It’s time for change. Instead of focusing on what you need to do, it might help to focus upon how you’d like to BE.  Many times we stay isolated and alone because it seems easier than the vulnerability of remaining open and being publicly shamed for daring to show our weakness.

Capernaum, Israel

Only your vulnerability is not weakness. Vulnerability is a sign of strength. It’s a sign of courage. Saying YES to walk through change you don’t understand, doesn’t mean you’re weak. IT means you’re showing up for yourself, which then allows for others to show up for you. IT will ALWAYS take you to good places.

If you’re not receptive to your authentic voice, you can’t hear your inner guidance, because the harsh critical voices are more than happy to drown them out. How are you supposed to make wise decisions when worry, doubt and indecision cloud them?  You end up listening to others, compromising your truth and staying stuck another day.

Life really can be Eden.

To find Eden requires that you dare stop long enough to listen to yourself to find out what your authentic voice wants. We need to leave what we know behind, to experience something totally different.

Taking a leap of faith doesn’t need to make sense to others…it has to make sense to you. You have a unique path.

“But following your truth doesn’t buy bread in the marketplace. I may lose it all,” the distrusting worrying voice warns. Thing is, when you trust your inner guidance, it leads you to your personal promised land. You’re more powerful because you’re MORE AUTHENTICALLY YOU.

ElianaEden is living life according to your own truth, not someone else’s.

Imagine standing in your feminine power… fully trusting your inner voice. You’re finally inspired to take action as the Empowered You. Courageously voicing your truth, going beyond political correctness, others are magnetized to you, wanting more of what you have to offer. They’re inspired by your authenticity. It feels SO good to finally be seen and heard for who you are.

The journey is worth it. Go ahead and take it. Your voice makes a difference!

If you’re ready to trust your inner voice and connect to the source of your feminine power and authentic voice, I’d love you to join me for my upcoming Immersion and Feminine Wisdom Journey to the Mystical Sites of Israel. It just might be what your intuition’s been guiding you towards. 🙂

Blessings, Eliana Gilad


Voicing Your Feminine Power and Wisdom: Israel
November 12 – 22nd, 2016

israel1If you’re a hard-working woman ready to live your truth and share your gifts with the world, then join me for a transformative Immersion into the Holy Land. Over 10 replenishing and restorative nights and 11 days we’ll be reawakening the power of your authentic voice through ancient feminine sound healing techniques.

Descending 300 stairs into the belly of the earth, and then winding through a narrow tunnel reminiscent of a birth canal, you emerge to join the rest of your friends around an ancient well. In this still, silent womb of the earth, surrounded by the spirit of wise women across the ages, you surrender yourself to the space and reconnect with the ancient source of your feminine power.

Mystic Feminine Israel. Enjoy the biblical landscapes, as the wells of Miriam and Mary Magdalene replenish through the echoes of their sacred feminine power. Celebrate sacred Sabbath with an insider’s visit to Jerusalem. Visit Galilee, Safed, the Dead Sea, a Bedouin feast, a camel trek, myrrh and frankincense, fresh cinnamon and clover, the essence of fresh persimmon and olive oil, and so much more! Trip tuition: $5995 USD per person double occupancy – all breakfasts included and several dinners.

Details for Israel on Eliana’s website

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Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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