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WHAT’S NEW? Traveling to Bhutan

bhutan4WHY are we traveling to Bhutan this December? Because the first time I visited this remarkable country my experience was so life-changing I’ve wanted to go back from the very moment I left.

The only way I can describe it is to say that the country is so stunning and pristine, the people so heart-felt and remarkable, the philosophy so different from ours, and the location so remote – that I felt like I had wandered into an entirely different universe.

There is something magical about traveling out of your comfort zone and into great beauty. A part of you breaks open when you are awe-struck to the core – it sets off fireworks within your neurons opening you to possibilities that you never could have imagined.

Ideas spark in your mind, the world changes rotation,
hearts burst open, strange birds rush across the sky,
and great mysteries are revealed…

Paro rice fieldsYou take a pilgrimage into your own soul and come out somehow transformed, lighter, clearer, truer to your passion and purpose.

And NOTHING is ever the same again.

That’s WHY we go to Bhutan.

That’s WHY we wander.

And that’s WHY you must join us.

BHUTAN: Mastering the Buddha Nature Within – Dec 7-18th, 2014

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Solve Your Problems Now — By Going to the Source!

Brandt MorganMost of us think the solutions to our problems are “out there” when they’re really inside ourselves. If you go to the source, the solution often comes as grace and the problem is revealed as a gift.

Do you have a sticky problem?
A difficult relationship?
A burning question?

Then join us for a fast-paced teleclass where you’ll learn. . .

  • A simple technique you can use to solve any problem in less than 30 minutes.
  • How to find inner peace and harmony right now, rather than waiting for sometime in the future.
  • How to improve any relationship without needing to “change” anyone else.
  • How to get instant access to your innate wisdom and happiness for a more fulfilling life


Brandt Morgan is an internationally known author and teacher whose passion is helping people find their true selves and the vision and courage to live their dreams. He’s also a Master Toltec teacher trained by don Miguel Ruiz, author of the bestselling book, The Four Agreements, and the creator of Vision Walk, a simple meditation process that makes it possible to answer questions and solve problems in just a few minutes by accessing one’s own deep inner wisdom. This process can be found in his book: Vision Walk: Asking Questions, Getting Answers, Shifting Consciousness.

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Blessings of the Wild Dolphins
Bimini, Caribbean
June 15-20th, 2014

Wild Bimini dolphin

Join teacher and author Brandt Morgan for a truly touching spiritual journey of the heart to the Caribbean Island of Bimini for an intimate experience with the wild spotted dolphins. During our time with the dolphins you will have the opportunity to open your heart and practice unconditional love and acceptance, for these marvelous creatures and for yourself.

These are wild dolphins and when we approach their pods they make the choice to come and join, swim and connect with us. Connecting with their wondrous spirits can be a profoundly moving, deeply healing and life altering experience. Their immense peace, joy and playfulness will touch your heart and awaken your spirit to the magic of your own magnificence.

This is a very profound and heartfelt trip – meant to encourage you to merge with the dolphins and spark your playful spirit in a safe and loving atmosphere. There’ll be plenty of time for swimming with the dolphins, snorkeling the reefs, meditating, group class, group discussion, swimming, journaling, resting, and sharing. Join for this magical adventure!

Trip tuition: $2399 USD per person double occupancy, all meals, full 4 day workshop and dolphin excursions.

Details for Bimini here!

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The 3 biggest mistakes most heart-centered
business owners make with their website!

Quick Question: Is your website working for you?

By that I mean is it more than just a floating business card in uber-space? 🙂

Did you know that an effective website – one that works for your business and not against it – boils down to 3 simple things?

Unfortunately, these are the 3 things many heart-centered entrepreneurs (including many of the fabulous people in my community) totally neglect!

Dawn DelVecchioYou know I love helping you create your audacious life and business, powerfully and authentically – that’s why I’ve enlisted the help of my friend, colleague and heart-centered professional copywriter, Dawn DelVecchio specifically for you. (She’s my cool Sedona gal!)

Dawn has agreed to do an exclusive training and interview – with me, to help YOU – and ensure your website actually works for your business.

This is a 1-time event we’ve put together solely for you – and at no cost!

Register here: www.dawndelvecchio.com

This is your opportunity to get Dawn’s eyeballs on your website. When you register for this complimentary, exclusive training now, you’ll have the option to request a review of your website from Dawn.

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Sacred Britain

A Women’s Journey to Avalon
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders Cameron Broughton
May 29-June 6th, 2014


Maya Lands

Sacred Energies of Maya Lands, Awakening Our Freedom To Be In Perpetual Bliss
Yucatan, Mexico
Trip Leaders: Erika Licón + Miguel Buenaflor
June 1-7th, 2014

Wild Dolphins

Blessings of the Wild Dolphins
Bimini, Caribbean
Trip Leader: Brandt Morgan
June 15-20th, 2014

Sacred Wales

The Heart + Wonders of Wales
Wales, UK
Trip Leaders: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
June 18-29, 2014


Sacred Britain

Crop Circles and Sacred Sites
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
July 20-29th, 2014


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year? Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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