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Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? Summertime Getaways!

When it starts to get hot and steamy here in Florida I think about making a grand exit – to find a place to be able to get outside and enjoy without feeling like I’m melting like the Wicked Witch of the West! I have a few suggestions here that are filling fast and registration is NOW.

Whales & Wild Dolphins

The Heart Wisdom of Whales & Wild Dolphins
Trip Leader: Anne Gordon de Barrigón
Various 5-day itineraries running from: July 7-Oct 11th, 2013

Journey to Machu Picchu

Journey to Machu Picchu – Authentic Spiritual & Cultural Wonders
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
July 17-27th, 2013

Sacred Britain

Crop Circles and Sacred Sites
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton
July 29-August 4, 2013 & Pre-Tour Conference July 26-29th

Ayahuasca retreat Peru

Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes
Trip Leader: Dennis McKenna
August 1-10th, 2013

Swim with the Wild Dolphins

Oneness Awakening Wild Dolphin Trip
Bimini, Caribbean – NEW!
Trip Leader: Joe Noonan
August 10-14th + October 21-25th, 2013

Sacred Ireland

The Magic of Celtic Country
Sacred Ireland
Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton
August 17-28, 2013

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Ignite the Power Within – FREE Telesummit


  • Longing to step off the hamster wheel and into your own authentic power?
  • Ever feel like you’re stuck on the hamster wheel of life, unable to move forward with your dreams?
  • Like you’re just going round and round, with nothing ever changing or improving?

I know exactly what that’s like – I’ve been there myself! And during the fabulous (and free!) Ignite the Power Within telesummit, I’ll be explaining how I moved past that feeling of stuck-ness and into my own authentic power. I’ll also be sharing the practical tools and techniques that worked for me.

**Join me and 21 other expert speakers for an informative, inspirational, and motivational interview series that runs from June 25 to August 2. Between all of us, we’ll help you to identify and take the actions you need to transform the rest of 2013 into your best year yet!

Be there or be square!
To sign up for our free Ignite the Power Within Telesummit
click here.

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Ready for a Personal Intensive?

Do you ever…

Sheri Rosenthal

  • Wake up wondering whose life you’re living?
  • Feel like you’re lacking clarity?
  • Find yourself short-tempered, frustrated or unhappy?
  • Wish your relationships were more supportive and loving?
  • Want to forgive and move on, but can’t?
  • Crave freedom from your own life and mind?

If so – join me for a Personal Intensive. It’s a powerful experience and is a great way to jump-start your life. In my experience, the root of most people’s issues is a belief system that is sabotaging their life – rather than supporting it.

Imagine what life could be like if you were calm and centered no matter what situation you faced in life, rather than emotional and unclear!

What if you no longer took people’s actions personally? Or if forgiveness came easy to you? Or even if you never got in another argument for the rest of your life?! Believe me – it is possible.

Sheri, how will I benefit? You’ll learn to…

  • Take positive action in life – regardless of anxiety or fear.
  • No longer feel victimized by the people in your life.
  • Deal with people openly, without taking their actions and words to heart.
  • Let go of the burdens of the past, forgive and move on with gratitude and joy.
  • Reclaim your self-esteem and greater life purpose.
  • Replace anger with focused clarity.
  • No longer fear confrontation, or be a doormat for others.
  • Come to a place of self-acceptance, no matter what actions you took in the past.
  • Clearly identify your limiting beliefs, their origin and true purpose – empowering you to make healthier life choices.
  • Utilize specific tools to help you live courageously, boldly, and with your head held high.

If this sounds like something that you could use – I encourage you read more about the experience on the website and make an appointment to chat with me right away about your desires and goals! The summertime intensives book up early so I suggest you do take action quickly. Blessings, Sheri

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Can Horses Help Develop YOUR Self-Awareness – Yes They Can!!!


What is Self-Awareness? Self-awareness is knowing your true, authentic self. How well do you know yourself? Not just in general, but from moment to moment? What are you feeling right now? If that is difficult to answer, good news – you just took your first step in developing your self-awareness! You just learned that you don’t always know what you’re feeling. Developing self-awareness is not a goal; it is a life long practice. Interacting with horses enhances and expedites this journey.

Horses ALWAYS know what they’re feeling and they ALWAYS FEEL WHAT YOU’RE FEELING!

It’s often said that “horses don’t lie.” Unlike humans, they are not able to feel one way and act another. Have you ever felt fearful, but ignored your feelings and acted as though you weren’t? Horses do not understand this behavior. They’d say: “Why would you do that? What’s the point?” Horses totally accept themselves and honor their feelings.

They cannot help but feel our emotions and mirror them back to us through their non-verbal communication. They promote our self-awareness by reflecting our inner landscape moment to moment. AND they are non-judgmental! They connect to us when we are in alignment mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They “disengage” when we are not. “My true relationship is with myself – all others are simply mirrors of it” ~ Shakti Gawain

White Stallion Ranch

Often times we are not aware of our selves – our negative habits, living in our old story, or listening to those negative inner dialog tapes that run round and round in our head spewing negative comments and predictions. Abraham Lincoln said: “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, either way you’ll be right.” Horses experience life in the now. They are not standing around thinking things like: “I’m so stupid; I should exercise more, I’m not as good as that other horse.”

This is such an empowering trait. When our thoughts and feeling come up – positive or negative, the horse is their to help you find the truth about yourself. Horses will give you so much information about yourself and the changes you want to make, IF you have the willingness to ask!

Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as being able to remake ourselves.” ~ Gandhi


When we want to develop our self-awareness, we focus our attention on our feelings and whether we react versus respond to them. Participating with horses teaches us to connect to our authentic self, identify our emotions and choose to process them and choose how we want to respond to them in a positive and beneficial way. We begin to know our true nature and become more empowered, enlightened and evolved. The horses promote a spirit of spontaneity, willingness to learn, playfulness, and participating fully in our lives.

When we know ourselves first, and make the changes that hold us to our highest vision for ourselves, we can then radiate and expand this practice to all of our relationships. “Our lives improve only when we take chances – and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves” ~ Walter Anderson. There is no better guide along this path than the horse!

Blessings, Judy Askins, C.E.G.E.

Judy Askins

Judy is a Certified Equine Guided Educator, whose life long passion and respect for horses continues to guide her along her path. Her deep connection with horses began in childhood. She started rehabilitating “problem horses” over 20 years ago in the LA area. She also worked as a trail guide in Griffith Park, and served as a volunteer for “Ahead with Horses,” a therapeutic riding program, and was published in “Chicken Soup For The Horse Lover’s Soul.”

Her approach: Help people identify what they want and make positive choices to support and achieve their goals. She believes horses are the best reflection of our inner world and they afford us the opportunity to learn and make changes if we are willing to listen and honor the wisdom they have to offer.

Register NOW for:Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom ” Sept 18-22, 2013 with Briana, Ezra & Judy of Equus Elemental.

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Sacred Scotland

Highlands and Mystical Islands
Sacred Scotland
Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton
Sept 15-24th, 2013

Horse Wisdom

Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom
Tucson, AZ – Half-filled register early!
Trip Leaders: Ezra Marrow, Briana Lorenz-Marrow and Judy Askins
Sept 18-22, 2013

Linda Jacobson

Embrace Your Creative Vitality in Enchanting Georgia O’Keeffe Country
Abiquiu, New Mexico
Trip Leader: Linda Jacobson
Sept 18-22th, 2013

Journey to Machu Picchu

Journey to Machu Picchu – Authentic Spiritual & Cultural Wonders
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
Sept 26–Oct 5th, 2013


Journey to Machu Picchu

A Spontaneous Café Real Food Peru Adventure
Peru – NEW!
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes + Chef Mateo
Oct 4-11th, 2013 (please contact Sheri for booking this trip rather than Willka T’ika)

Spiritual retreat Assisi

Access your Dreams Retreat
Assisi, Italy NEW!
Trip Leader: Mami Veza
Oct 12-18th + Nov 15–21st, 2013

Sacred Pilgrimage to India

A Sacred Pilgrimage to India
India – Elaine’s trip is already half filled so register early!
Trip Leaders: Elaine Dodson, Jahnava Devi, and Mahatma Das
October 15-27th, 2013

Travel to Nepal

Kindfulness – a Healing Retreat in the Himalayas
Nepal – NEW!
Trip Leader: Sharee James
October 16-25th, 2013


Uxmal, Yucatan

The Clarity + Heart Elixir
Uxmal, Yucatan
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal + Rev Frankie Timmers
November 9-16th, 2013

Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile
Dharamsala, India
Trip Leaders: Lisa Tully
Nov 16-Dec 6th, 2013


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?

Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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